Governor Polis Welcomes President Biden to Pueblo Ahead of Colorado Visit

Monday, November 27, 2023


PUEBLO - Today, Governor Jared Polis released a statement ahead of President Joe Biden’s planned visit to Pueblo, Colorado. President Biden, Governor Polis, and officials will visit the CS Wind plant. 


“We are thrilled to welcome President Joe Biden to Pueblo, the home of heroes and the best chile in the world — the Pueblo chile. Colorado is leading the nation in transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy, and our wind manufacturing capabilities are helping to power our clean energy economy, create jobs, and save people money on electricity,” said Colorado Governor Jared Polis. “We continue working to advance our goal of achieving 100% renewable energy in Colorado by 2040. I appreciate the President’s partnership on Colorado’s comprehensive plans to fix our roads, and bridges and our overall efforts to add more rail and train options for Coloradans so people can get to work and where they want to go faster, safer, and more efficiently.”


This April, Governor Polis joined CS Wind to celebrate the official groundbreaking of the new wind manufacturing plant in Pueblo. Governor Polis was one of the first governors in the country to support the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act. 

