Gov. Polis Nominates Megan Gilman for PUC

Friday, March 6, 2020

DENVER - Today, Gov. Polis nominated Megan Gilman to the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) after Susan Perkins withdrew her name. 

“We are excited to nominate Megan for this position. Her experience and expertise will make her a great addition to the Commission,” said Governor Jared Polis. “The PUC plays a critically important role in the lives of so many Coloradans and I believe Megan’s vision and focus on saving ratepayers money and making renewable energy work is a positive step for Colorado.”

Gilman is a small business owner and a trained mechanical engineer. As a small business owner she has been deeply involved in energy use in the built environment working in projects in various countries. Since 2011, she has served as the Chair of the Board of Directors of Holy Cross Energy. In this role, she has been involved in rate analysis and strategy, large power supply changes and approving customer-facing programs and offerings. With Holy Cross Energy, she also served as a representative to the Colorado Rural Electric Association, working with 22 different rural electric utilities throughout the state to understand the issues and impacts for ratepayers in each area. 

Gilman has stepped down from her position on the board of Holy Cross Energy in order to be nominated for this position.

“I thank Susan Perkins for her willingness to serve the people of Colorado and we know she will continue doing great things for our state,” said Governor Polis.

