Governor Polis Applauds President Biden’s Executive Order Creating Pathways For DREAMers

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

DENVER - Today, Governor Polis applauded President Biden for taking action to provide relief and streamline citizenship processes for DREAMers and other undocumented immigrants on the 12th anniversary of DACA. 

“President Biden is stepping up once again as Congressional Republicans fail to pass the bipartisan border security, workforce and asylum reform bill. I thank President Biden for expanding pathways to citizenship for Dreamers and others who have been in the U.S. for more than a decade. Here in Colorado, we know that our immigrant community is an important part of our community, our culture, our economy, and our success, and this is a critical step toward fixing our broken immigration system. I continue to call on Congress to follow the President’s lead and secure the border and pass comprehensive reform,” said Colorado Governor Polis. 
