Governor Polis Takes Action to Rebuild U.S Highway 50 Blue Mesa Middle Bridge

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

DENVER - Today, the Governor took executive action to support the response to the U.S. Highway 50 Blue Mesa Middle Bridge closure in Gunnison, Hinsdale, and Montrose Counties. The Governor’s Executive Order memorializes Lieutenant Governor Primavera’s April 23, 2024 verbal disaster declaration.

This Executive Order allocates funding to assist in the response and recovery efforts related to the U.S. Highway 50 Blue Mesa Middle Bridge closure. The Blue Mesa Bridge is a critical access point for emergency services, agriculture, education, and community members' daily travel throughout the region. Governor Polis and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) are committed to the safety of drivers on all roads and highways in Colorado and are working diligently to minimize the impact this closure has on Coloradans, travelers, and commerce. CDOT announced its repair plan and expects limited traffic use to begin by July 4, 2024.

Read the Governor’s full Executive Order.
