Lt. Gov. Dianne Primavera joins Hunger Free Colorado to call on Senators Gardner and Bennet to Fund Colorado’s Food Relief and Economic Recovery

Monday, July 20, 2020

DENVER — As the COVID-19 pandemic and recession continue, Lt. Gov. Dianne Primavera joins Hunger Free Colorado in calling on Senators Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet to deliver a federal relief package that assists Colorado’s families, communities and economy. 

The Lt. Governor joined Hunger Free Colorado in a video urging Congress, especially Colorado’s U.S. Senators Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet to provide needed food relief with a 15 percent increase in SNAP benefits. The next package for the Senate is expected to come up in the next few weeks. The US House passed their version in June. 

“The need for food continues to grow and the economic impacts of the pandemic won’t let up anytime soon,” said Primavera. “Rationing meals is the last thing Colorado families need right now. Let’s ensure America’s families have their basic human needs met through this pandemic.”

This increase will help thousands of Colorado families who are struggling to afford food. According to several state surveys, nearly one in three Coloradans report worrying about affording food through the COVID-19 pandemic. Colorado has seen an uptick in the number of families applying for SNAP benefits as our state’s unemployment increases. The number of families enrolled in SNAP since March has increased by 20 percent.

An increase of 15 percent to SNAP benefits would mean $25 more per family member for groceries. At its current level, SNAP only provides an average of $1.30 per person per meal, which does not cover groceries through the month, an inadequacy made worse by rising food costs.

In addition to helping Coloradans access food, Hunger Free Colorado is urging the U.S. Senate to provide important fiscal relief for state and local governments. This funding is vital for Colorado as we face a $3.3 billion budget shortfall this year due to reduced revenue during the pandemic. Without federal support, many states, including Colorado, will be forced to make major budget and program cuts, costing thousands more jobs and making the lives of struggling families even harder.  

“Since the start of the pandemic, Hunger Free Colorado has advocated with its partners to the Colorado delegation for this increase. SNAP is a proven economic stimulus program in past recessions. In previous relief packages, Congress has included some nutrition program flexibility and resources, but much more is needed for the growing number of families who have seen their income reduced because of this pandemic,” said Marc Jacobson, CEO of Hunger Free Colorado. "Increasing SNAP benefits will help Colorado families cope with the current economic fallout, as well as help strengthen our state’s economy.”

Hunger Free Colorado, a statewide nonprofit organization, connects people to food resources to meet existing needs and drives policy, systems and social change to end hunger. Learn more at

